Designing a global strategy, and then very local actions

Saint-Nazaire> Pornichet

Coastline facade

Designing a global strategy, and then very local actions

How to highlight the exceptional assets of an ill-identified territory ? Today this common project for the coastline façade (uses and mutations) has entailed the involvement of political and institutional actors, which marks the willingness to implement a first series of operations on 6 defined sectors : Pornichet harbors, Saint Marc Cornice, from Saint Nazaire’s city harbor to town center, Camp de la Torpille – Bonne Anse et Villès – Trébale. The transformation of Saint Nazaire’s waterfront has driven a dynamic which is continued logically through this wider strategy of upgrading the coastline façade. The debate must stand for the whole of the Guerande Peninsula, so as to elaborate a shared vision of the project, which might then be fit to meet contemporary issues. A development based on the exclusive use of individual cars and the consumption of farm lands for the city’s benefit is a story that has now come to an end. To design the development of this motley city which is now gaining resilience and attractiveness, the best levers are now the followings : highlighting landscapes, reasonable running of water resources, implementing a negotiated agricultural project, and anticipating climate change. Supporting the Agency TER Paysagistes (2018 “Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme), Magnum develops the strategic vision through operational urban projects on the 6 defined sites.

Presentation in french

Location Façade littorale de Saint-Nazaire à Pornichet

Project Managment Pôle Métropolitain Nantes – St Nazaire / Villes de Saint-Nazaire et Pornichet / ADDRN

Partners Grand Port Maritime Nantes Saint-Nazaire, CCI, Etat, Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Conseil départemental de Loire-Atlantique

Urban landscapers Agence TER Architecture

Architects Magnum

Planification Alphaville

Status En cours

Schedule Since 2017

Mission Urban, architectural, landscaping and programmatic studiess

Extent of project More than 250 ha (global study) and 90 ha of operational sites

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